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Toyota Tyre and Alloy Protection

It's not always easy to keep your tyres or alloys in immaculate condition when driving, which is where Toyota Tyre and Alloy Protection steps in, protecting you in the unfortunate event of accidentally damaging your tyre or alloy wheels. Whether it is a damaged alloy or tyre, having them repaired or replaced can be expensive and cause inconvenience.

An intelligent solution to maintain the appearance and road worthiness of your Toyota.
person walking by a Toyota car

Unexpected costs

This policy has been designed to contribute or to cover the unexpected cost if you should accidentally damage your tyre and alloy wheels.

Peace of mind

A fully trained technician can come to your home or place of work at a time that is convenient to you, to repair your damaged alloys.

Comprehensive cover

Should your alloys become damaged whereby an effective cosmetic repair can't be carried out, we will contribute up to a maximum of £150 towards the replacement cost. We will also give you unlimited puncture repairs and up to £300 per claim should a replacement tyre be required.

Cover at a glance

  • 36 month contract
  • Standard tyres and run flat tyres
  • Standard and diamond cut alloys
  • 5 tyre claims allowed during the policy lifetime
  • Up to £300 contribution towards new tyres per claim
  • 15 alloy repairs allowed during the policy lifetime
  • £150 contribution towards alloy replacement if repair is not possible*


*The policy will contribute up to a maximum of £150 (including VAT) towards the replacement cost of the alloy wheel. The replacement must be purchased from a manufacturer approved supplier and be of an identical part code or direct successor part code.
Toyota Yaris Cross wheel close up

How long will my cover last?

Your cover will last up to 36 months and you will be able to transfer this policy to a new vehicle, should you change within that time period. Please speak to your local centre for more information, or look at the frequently asked questions
Toyota Yaris Cross wheel close up
two people looking at a phone inside a Toyota centre

How do I purchase?

Please speak to your local Toyota Centre who will be able to advise you on this product.
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two people looking at a phone inside a Toyota centre
person leaning on a Toyota car

How to make a Claim

When you become aware of any tyre or alloy damage, this must be reported within 30 days via the InsureThat claims portal at, or you can contact the claims line on 0333 0444 701.

The Claims team will talk you through the simple steps to assess your claim and arrange your repair, replacement or contribution towards replacement tyres or alloys.

Make a claim online (Opens in new window)
person leaning on a Toyota car

Insurance Products are arranged by Toyota Insurance Services. Toyota Insurance Services is a trading style of Toyota Insurance Management UK Limited. Registered in England, Company No. 14297877. Registered Office: 7th Floor, 52-56 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 2BJ. Toyota Insurance Management UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm Reference Number: 983839.

Toyota Tyre & Alloy Protection is underwritten by Novus Underwriting Limited on behalf of Helvetia Global Solutions Ltd, UK Branch. Helvetia Global Solutions Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Registered Number: 454140. Helvetia Global Solutions Ltd is incorporated in Liechtenstein, registration number 0002191766. Helvetia Global Solutions Ltd's UK branch is registered in England & Wales under UK Establishment number: BR024650. UK Establishment address: 6 Bevis Marks, London, ECЗА 7BA.

Novus Underwriting is a trading name of Novus Underwriting Limited, which is an Appointed Representative of Consilium Insurance Brokers Limited, authorised and regulated by the FCA (Ref: 306080). Novus Underwriting Limited is registered in England (No. 10844265). Registered address 4th Floor,34 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7AT, United Kingdom.